The Improv Musical
Ready to take the Edinburgh Fringe by storm for the fifth year running, hit show The Improv Musical returns! Guaranteed to leave you roaring with laughter with musical mayhem and excitement! Based entirely on audience suggestion, no show is ever the same. Every performance is opening and closing night! Watch your ideas come to life as you create the characters, the setting and even the show title (the punnier the better). Complete with memorable tunes, catchy lyrics, and the occasional dance routine, the show really is in your hands!

C viva (main house) venue 16 130 George Street/Charlotte Square
31 July-26 Aug (not 13) at 17:15 (1hr00)
Tickets £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50 / under 18s £5.50-£7.50
Recommended 0+
31 July-26 Aug (not 13) at 17:15 (1hr00)
Tickets £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50 / under 18s £5.50-£7.50
Recommended 0+