Moby Dick
by the company, after Herman Melville

This show has now finished
The extraordinary story of Captain Ahab's obsessive vengeance against the mighty leviathan, the 'great white whale' who rid him of his leg. Will Ahab's violent and blasphemous mission cost him and the crew of the Pequod everything? Through a new contemporary and strikingly physical interpretation, an all-male cast of young performers will explore the visceral internal and external submarine voyage into the philosophical heart of Herman Melville's great American novel through the eyes of Ishmael, its one sole survivor.

C aquila (studio) venue 21 Roman Eagle Lodge, 2 Johnston Terrace
5-9 Aug at 18:25 (0hr55)
Tickets £7.50-£9.50 / concessions £5.50-£7.50 / under 18s £3.50-£5.50
Recommended 8+
5-9 Aug at 18:25 (0hr55)
Tickets £7.50-£9.50 / concessions £5.50-£7.50 / under 18s £3.50-£5.50
Recommended 8+