by JungSuk Kim

This show has now finished
Even now, in this moment, the war does not stop in the world. Its wounds continue even now. What more can we do than to wipe their tears and deliver our love to the roots of the pain. Modl return to the Fringe with a premiere about the comfort women of WWII, keeping the promise never to forget.

C cubed (main space) venue 50 Brodie’s Close, 304 Lawnmarket EH1 2PS
4-28 Aug (not 16) at 17:15 (0hr50)
Tickets £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50 / children £5.50-£7.50
Recommended 12+
4-28 Aug (not 16) at 17:15 (0hr50)
Tickets £9.50-£11.50 / concessions £7.50-£9.50 / children £5.50-£7.50
Recommended 12+