Burklyn Open Ballet Class
by Burklyn Ballet Theatre
Join Burklyn Ballet for an intermediate level ballet class. Our dancers are between the ages of 14-23 and come from around the United States and Japan. They are students from small hometown schools, university students and dancers in professional companies. Classes are led by Arthur Leeth, former ballet master of Boston Ballet or Joanne Whitehill, Artistic Director of Burklyn Ballet Theatre. Leeth and Whitehill share their vast experience and training during a condensed barre and center. Why do we do it? Because we love it. Join us and you will love it too! Then see the show.

C south (main theatre) venue 58 St Peter's, Lutton Place, EH8 9PE
9, 12, 13, 14 Aug at 09:30 (0hr45)
Tickets £8.50 / concessions £6.50
9, 12, 13, 14 Aug at 09:30 (0hr45)
Tickets £8.50 / concessions £6.50