Cirque Tsuki: Birthday
Cirque Tsuki: Birthday
This show has now finished

From the woods of darkest Europe, inspired by Little Red Riding Hood. The Cirque Tsuki is celebrating the birthday of Madame Mist, the mischievous storyteller's assistant. As the clock strikes midnight, she opens her present and the shadows come pouring out, bringing Madame Mist and the audience on a journey of discovery. Birthday is the first in the trilogy of the Cirque Tsuki, and is the most optimistic piece of the three, suitable for younger children. 'A fantastic five-star piece of theatre... massively enjoyed by all ages'

C nova
C nova (studio 7) venue 145 India Buildings, Victoria Street, EH1 2EX
30 Jul-25 Aug (not 12) at 11:15 (1hr00)
Tickets £7.50-£9.50 / concessions £5.50-£7.50 / children £3.50-£5.50
recommended for ages 4+